
Electrical, Plumbing, and Gas Permits

Fee Schedules

Building Permits

Valuation & Fee Schedule

Use the Building Permit Fee Schedule to determine the value of buildings, structures, or alterations, and the corresponding fees.

Apply for a Permit

Fill out the Building Permit Application and take it to the Community Development office, which accepts applications from 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:30.


Apply for a Permit

Fill out the Mobile Food Truck Vending Permit Application and take it to the Community Development office, which accepts applications from 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:30.

Medical Cannabis License Application Permit

Apply for a Permit

Fill out the Medical Cannabis License Permit Application and take it to the Community Development office, which accepts applications from 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:30.

For more information, call Community Development at (662) 455-7603 or (662) 455-7604.

Note: As of July 1, 2014, fines for not having a valid permit will be doubled.

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