Greenwood's public utility company is located at 101 Wright Place and can be reached at (662) 453-7234 or (662) 453-7553. Residents can apply for service, pay their bills, and find information about fees & charges at the Greenwood Utilities website.
Entergy Qualified Site
Site Selection
The Greenwood-Leflore-Carroll area understands how competitive the site selection process has become and the need for marketable sites. Additionally, communities are often expected to offer incentive programs that offset any cost associated with locating on the site. With the assistance of Entergy Mississippi and the Mississippi Delta Developers Association we are able to offer a 30-acre, shovel ready site in the Greenwood-Leflore Industrial Park.
Power Company
The City of Greenwood operates a non-profit public power company. Greenwood utilities has been providing low cost electricity for residential and industrial use since 1904. The company operates two steam power plants with a combined capacity of 70 megawatts, and through interconnection with Entergy, an additional 80 megawatts can be delivered. Greenwood Utilities serves the immediate City of Greenwood area. Both Delta Electric Power Association and Entergy provide abundant and reliable power to the remaining areas of Leflore and Carroll Counties.
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