
Planning Commission Review

To bring any matter to the attention of the Planning Commission, you need to:

  1. Meet with someone in the Department of Community Development.
  2. Pay a fee of $101 to the City Clerk. This covers the cost of an announcement in the local newspaper, the posting of signage, and other administrative fees. (Announcement will be published at least 15 days prior to the hearing.)
  3. Attend hearing held before the Planning Commission and state your case.
  4. Allow Planning Commission time to deliberate and, in some cases, investigate.

Note: All requests must comply with the Comprehensive Plan.

Relevant links:
Comprehensive Plan
Code of Ordinances
Zoning and Planning Code
Planning Commission

Conditional use permit

A conditional use is a use for property permitted by the zoning ordinances but which must be requested by the property owner and approved by the Planning Commission. A table of uses which are allowed by the provisions in the 2015 Zoning and Development Code can be found here (pages 44-49).


If the enforcement of a current provision would cause unnecessary hardship (due to special conditions), the Planning Commission may allow modification of said provision.


Citizens and other parties in interest may request an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.

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